Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Power Struggle
I just returned from an unsecured country where many Christians are suffering terribly. Some have lost their homes, while others lost their lives as they stood their ground for Christ. The enemy is mounting a mighty attack against God's people, especially those who are getting involved in the Harvest. Those who don't create problems for the enemy very rarely witness the power struggle of the ages. I see it in the faces of those who are in love with Jesus in very restrictive settings contrasted with those who hate them. The ones who hate them have fire in their eyes and a sure determination to "wipe them out!" But those who "love not their lives even unto death" do not fear that fire, but the fire of hell and the torment that awaits their tormentors. So . . . they pray for their enemies even as they scream in pain and breathe their last. That's the power struggle that you and I need to be in on.

Entering into their suffering
I am so thankful to be able to play a small role in the "conflict of the ages" and I feel very humbled by the humble. I don't deserve to stand in their homes (mostly made of straw and mud). I don't deserve to even tie their shoes, yet I stoop to wash their feet and kiss these precious "soles" in honor. I get the chance to see and to enter into their world of constant suffering, and to come home to tell their story and meet their needs. You can't live any life better! So, with an ardency and determination - I gladly enter their suffering with my pitiful "help" and my "pathetic" evangelism. Oh, wait a minute . . . it's really me that is doing the changing.

Clean Water / Living Water
One of the gifts we try to bring is water filter systems to bring clean water. We are headed into Africa with 100 water filter systems purchased by college students! Yes, you know the ones - not enough money to buy new socks, but yet they bend over backwards to buy these water filter systems to give to very poor people in Africa who are subject to Cholera. I can't thank the College Ministry at Crossgates Baptist Church in Brandon, MS enough for their sacrifice. You guys rock! I love you and need you!

Blown Away
Speaking of Crossgates, I have renamed that church to "A little slice of Heaven Church". I am blown away by D. Jett and company for their awesome kindness to our family and for believing in us. You guys are off the chain!

After Africa,

AC Curtis -Director of EMI

Monday, July 6, 2009

Going for it

There are not too many places that we won't go in search of those who are untouched with the Gospel or in great distress.
The pictures here are from trekking 120 kilometers through the base of the Himalayas in search of villages who hadn't heard of Jesus. We are committed to laying down our lives for the sake of Christ and for the sake of those who He is looking for.
Who is He looking for? Is He looking for those who are talented or smart? Is He looking for those who are popular and distinguished?
We'll let you be the judge of that. We will simply keep going. By the way, you ought to consider going with us. Take your life and put it all before the Lord in prayer and ask Him, "Hey God, am I living for your dream or mine?" See what He says, then get back to us. We'll be there to help you sort out some of His direction. Don't try to handle it all by yourself.
Being His hands as we seek His face,
AC Curtis - Express Missions International President

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What about Now?

Imagine that you are a little six year old child playing marbles in the streets of some developing country. Suddenly, the ground opens up and swallows your entire village and rocks fall on top of you paralyzing you with pain and fear. You scream out in horror as you watch your family disappear forever. Minutes later, you sit on top of a heap of heavy rocks trying desperately to find your family. The rocks are too heavy and you finally collapse in exhaustion. The next few hours you lay among the ruins and cover your face . . .

There are millions of people who suffer overseas when earthquakes, famines, diseases, typhoons, or tsunamis happen. These terrible tragedies are not opportunities for the Christian community to point it's finger at those precious Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, or Animists, but instead it is a glowing opportunity to demonstrate to them how much Christianity cares.

If we are real true believers then we would demonstrate incredible compassion that noone on earth can equal or imitate. WE SET THE STANDARDS FOR COMPASSION AND LOVE. We have hundreds of opportunities to get involved to help alleviate the suffering and bring Christ's abounding love.

Who knows, maybe you could be the one holding that child and bringing hope out of the despair.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Just trekked about 120 kilometers through the base of the Himalayan mountains looking for remote villages that had never heard of Jesus. We found them! Two entire villages responded to the Gospel, while one other turned us completely away. We were undaunted in our pursuit, however, and kept on going. We reached one village where there was no one there but one family. This family had not had water for an entire month! We found out that the only water source that they had was dried up and they were not connected to another water source. So, we began to pray over their water well. Immediately, water poured out! This Hindu family received three five-gallon buckets full of water and got to hear about the Living Water as well. We prayed over them and left going to another village that was desperate for medicine and doctors. We felt so inadequate and helpless because we were so few and all we had with us were some first-aid kits that we emptied for the people. It fueled our passion to get Express Missions International going - for their sake.
Just recently, one of my little daughters came up missing in a huge crowd at an open-air festival. I started to panic, but instead took off to diligently find her. I secured the rest of my family in safety and went off on the search. (Luke 15:1-7) I found her crying and fearful, but alive and well. I hugged her tightly and walked her back to the safe area with the rest of the family. Then, it hit me - that is what our family is doing. We are called by God to go after the lost, to leave the safety of the inside of church building, and to go out with reckless abandon for the sake of the lost. They are desperate and we need to be as well. It didn't matter what I was wearing, how I looked, or even if people liked me - I was going to find my daughter!
God has issued the Amber Alert for all eternity looking for His lost children - and we must be on the search and rescue team that abandons everything in search for these lost ones. Time is running out!

AC Curtis - Director of Express Missions International

Monday, April 13, 2009

Fellow Harvestors,

I just recently returned from watching very poor farmers in Ethiopia glean the harvest field. My team and I were in Ethiopia with Indigenous Outreach International. There were so many sights and experiences there that stood out to me. The smiles of the children as they greeted our vehicle as it cut through the brush toward their village, and, of course, the harvesters. What amazed me the most was that all of the people in these rural areas around Addis Abeba, Ethiopia were distinctly involved in bringing in the harvest.

Little children, the elderly, disabled, fully-able, everyone!

It hit me like a ton of bricks that these poor farmers understood something that the Church in America needs to both understand and embrace - that everyone must get out into the harvest! The reason that the Church exists on earth is to glorify God by advancing His kingdom and His cause. This means going out of our way - even out of our own country - to win as many to His side as possible.

I appreciate the slogan that the great evangelist, Reinhard Bonnke has - "Live to empty hell and to populate heaven".

That is my slogan. That is why my family and I are embarking on a huge leap of faith to start EMI. We want to make the mission field available for people - some who might never be considered for such a great call.

I sure hope that in the coming months, you see how God needs you and how He wants to compel you to go to reap His harvest.

AC Curtis - Director of EMI